It’s quite mind-boggling how the most toxic scholars of the past in the academic study of religion(s) have escaped unscathed the BLM movement’s criticism or the fury of cancel culture. How come statues like those dedicated to Churchill, Washington, Columbus, Confederates, slave traders, and racists all the world over were defaced or toppled down last year while the busts of Mircea Eliade are still standing? How is it possible that a chair at the University of Chicago is still entitled to Eliade while cancel culture is reclaiming so many academic and intellectual victims almost on a daily basis?
Read moreThe deafening silence of Religious Studies
Sources in chronological order: HuffPost, 3 May 2018 (the bust in the middle was vandalized in 2018; in 2020 the statue was toppled by protesters); BBC News, 8 June 2020; BBC News, 9 June 2020; The Virginian Pilot, 10 June 2020; BBC News, 11 June 2020; Sky News Italy, 14 June 2020; CNN, 19 June 2020. An updated list of monuments toppled or removed during the 2020 protests is available on Wikipedia. Composition © 2021, L. Ambasciano.